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Business News

Serious Gardener Alert at the Plant Lovers Store in Sainikpuri

We finally have the perfect place to drag all the garden worms in our lives to – The Plant Lovers Store in Sainikpuri! Located on the main road, the airy and green compound casts a bright and reassuring glow that brightens up the entire locality. A quick peek into the gate will assure you that gardens and plants are sacred in these environs.

Turning a passion into a business, the owner decided to set up a store that pertains to all things gardening. Here, you can purchase everything from flowerpots in a wide range of sizes, shapes, colors, and materials, to tools, garden decor, and compost. All this does not include the star of the show – the flowers and plants themselves. For tons of unique varieties and hues that can add mesmerizing touches to your home, the Plant Lovers Store has solutions for everybody.

Whether it is for a small gift or for a serious investment into your garden, the Plant Lovers Store is ready to assist you in your journey to grow a pair of green thumbs. They remain open from 10 AM to 5 PM every day. Give them a call on 98664 68552 to learn more.




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