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Business News

Purification Begins with the Experts at Himavarshaa

The world has now been polluted to a point where it is difficult to trust a drinking water source blindly. Rather than suffering from a host of water-borne diseases, it is way safer and frankly essential to ensure that your home and office have access to safe drinking water.

Himavarshaa Industries in Kushaiguda is a leading supplier of all different types of water filters for your needs. They deal with a range of purification systems and brands like Kent, Aquaguard, and numerous others. They will assist you in choosing the right water filter based on your quantity requirements and tap water quality. The prices of their filters range from Rs. 6000/- to Rs. 15000/-. Other than sales and installation, they also take full responsibility for the maintenance of water filters. Anyone with an installed filter can place a maintenance request at their home or office for a charge of just Rs. 150/-.

Go on and secure your right to clean water. Himavarshaa is here to support your efforts with their knowledge and expertise. Call them on 90321 93193 if you need a helping hand.




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